June 28, 2017

Reederei Hamburger Lloyd Chooses Sealink Plus VSAT for Container Ship and Bulker Fleet

From Marlink

ECDIS updates and crew welfare improvements in focus.

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Reederei Hamburger Lloyd, a Hamburg-based shipping group will move its fleet of 9 container ships and 6 bulkers to Marlink’s innovative Sealink Plus VSAT package including unlimited L-band backup.Hamburger Lloyd is a long term customer of Telemar Germany and was looking for a communications solution that provides a quality link for downloading ECDIS updates, which is critical to the fleet’s navigational safety. The company also sees that moving from pay-as-you-go L-band communication services to the pay-monthly VSAT model will provide budget predictability and enable it to offer more crew communication facilities.

Designed to provide high speed bandwidth at all times, regardless of the amount of data consumed, Sealink Plus will ensure Hamburger Lloyd vessels enjoy uninterrupted global access to safety and efficiency enhancing digital applications.

The technology upgrade on Hamburger Lloyd’s fleet is a result of close collaboration between Telemar Germany and Marlink. The combination of satcom services and technology combined with bridge electronics shared by Marlink and Telemar positions the Group as a valuable technology and connectivity partner for modern ship owners such as Hamburger Lloyd.

Hamburger Lloyd has also chosen to install XChange, the integrated communication management and application platform, ensuring seamless network integration while providing diverse management functions for i.e., crew connectivity account management. While Hamburger Lloyd’s existing L-band system will provide back-up, new on board hardware including XChange and 1 metre VSAT antennas will be provided as part of the monthly cost, resulting in a low initial investment for Hamburger Lloyd to introduce significant new communication capabilities for its vessels. Continue >