DVB-S2X Standard

Our Advanced Waveform Technology implementation: DVB-S2X

DVB-S2X offers improved performance and features compared to its predecessor DVB-S2 for broadcasting, contribution, DTH, enterprise VSAT, trunking, cellular backhaul and mobility.

  • The successor to the DVB-S2 standard is a combination of innovative technologies that improve overall efficiency over satellite links. The DVB-S2X standard includes:

    • Smaller roll-offs
    • Advanced filtering of satellite carriers
    • Increased granularity in MODCODs
    • Higher order modulation including 64/128/256APSK support
    • Linear and non-linear MODCODs
    • Better implementation of MODCODs
    • Wideband support
    • Very low SNR (VL-SNR) support for mobile applications
    • Channel bonding
    • Additional standard scrambling sequences to mitigate co-channel-interference (CCI).

    DVB-S2X is particularly beneficial for powerful satellite capacity such as High Throughput Satellites (HTS).

  • The efficiency technologies contributed by ST Engineering iDirect to the new DVB standard boost the satellite link up to 20% in DTH networks and 51% in other applications when compared to DVB-S2. When adding wideband to the equation, an extra 20% can be added to the total.

    Applications of the DVB-S2X standard include trunking, broadcast contribution and exchange, backhauling and professional IP access networks, as well as applications within the government and defense market (ISR, MWR, disaster recovery, etc.) These are applications that typically require higher throughput or need better margins to remain profitable.